
Coconut Mango Pudding


  • 1 ripe mango
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • Pinch of salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1-13.5 oz can Andre Prost Coconut Milk
  • Optional: Toasted flaked coconut, extra chopped mango

Andre Prost Coconut Milk paired with mango makes an extra smooth pudding.


  • 20 minutes


  • 4 - 3/4 cup servings


  1. Peel and chop mango into small cubes. Reserve 1 cup and set aside. Use any remaining mango to eat or to garnish pudding.
  2. Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt in a medium sauce pan (non-aluminum).
  3. Add eggs and Coconut Milk and beat until well mixed. Cook over a medium heat, whisking constantly until pudding thickens. If lumps start to form, turn heat to low, and whisk vigorously until smooth. Remove from heat.
  4. Gently mix reserved mango into pudding. Pour into small custard cups or decorative bowl. Cover and refrigerate until cool. Option: Decorate with toasted coconut or extra mango before serving.
  5. Peel and chop mango into small cubes. Reserve 1 cup and set aside. Use any remaining mango to eat or to garnish pudding.
  6. Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt in a medium sauce pan (non-aluminum).
  7. Add eggs and Coconut Milk and beat until well mixed. Cook over a medium heat, whisking constantly until pudding thickens. If lumps start to form, turn heat to low, and whisk vigorously until smooth. Remove from heat.
  8. Gently mix reserved mango into pudding. Pour into small custard cups or decorative bowl. Cover and refrigerate until cool. Option: Decorate with toasted coconut or extra mango before serving.

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